
How to Lose Fat “Right Here”

Over the years, clients have pointed to various body parts and said, “I want to lose fat here.”

Some of the most common areas include the stomach, hips/butt, and the “flabby” area under the arm.

Let me set the record straight on how to lose fat in these spots—and anywhere else on your body.

Here’s the truth: You can’t target fat loss in a specific area. I know there are plenty of ads out there promising you can “melt belly fat” or “tone your thighs,” but these are just empty claims. No product, pill, lotion, wrap, or diet can magically burn fat from one specific part of your body.

The key to fat loss is a full-body approach. When you reduce overall body fat, you’ll naturally see improvements in problem areas as well. Your body will decide where it sheds fat first, but with consistent fat loss, all areas will benefit.

One way to enhance this process is by building some muscle. Don’t worry, we’re not talking about becoming a bodybuilder with huge muscles. We’re talking about small increases in muscle mass that won’t make you “bulky”—that’s a myth for another time.

Our Fat-Loss Program

So how do we help clients reduce body fat and build muscle?

There are many ways to approach this, but here’s what we do—and we promise it works! (Don’t just take our word for it; see our 170+ 5 star reviews!)

We combine cardiovascular training with strength training to burn calories and build muscle. This means we don’t just run on a treadmill for 30 minutes or do three sets of eight reps on a weight machine. You’ll be doing a mix of strength, conditioning, HIIT, weights, calisthenics throughout the week.

Sometimes a workout will have two components: a cardio part and a strength part. Other times, we blend them together. For example, you might do five barbell back squats followed by a 200-meter run, repeating this five times. Occasionally, we focus on either strength or conditioning in a session, but overall, we target both!

The result? You get stronger, build muscle, and burn fat. Stick with this program, and you’ll start to notice muscle definition. While your abs might not appear overnight, you’ll begin seeing noticeable changes in how your clothes fit, and you’ll see measurable progress in your workouts.

One more tip: You can speed up your results by making improvements to your diet—and yes, we can help you with that too!

So, think about the area you want to lose fat from. Your “problem spot.” But remember, focusing on overall fat loss will help you achieve the changes you’re looking for.


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